The Mindful Elements Program – The Water Magister Alchemy

The Mindful Elements Program
Interested in Learning How to Create Habits of Self Awareness,
Becoming More Disciplined, Connecting with The Five Elements?

A common theme I observe in people when we experience intense emotional scars. Is that we forget we have so many available tools at our disposal to utilize.

For those who have been to workshops, classes, seminars, you all have the tools readily in your hands. Yet you forget or better to say choose to forget we have so many modalities for healing and exploration.

It's the mind that becomes fixated and chooses to forget. It becomes aloof within the identity. Because hey I am in this identity now and I want to really feel this emotion out. But you are not the become so immersed in these masks, we can take a breath and take a step to observe how we are being.

We could write down different healing practices on post it notes and place them on a wall. There are so many techniques to keep you in a state of awareness yet you still choose to immerse your self intensely into the emotional oceans, and guess what. That is ok too! Just know that with you being who you are you are making the CHOICE to stay in it because its comfortable for you. It's what you know, it's what you have grown to be accustomed to. But how has that been working out for you?

Make the choice to create a framework for yourself to remind yourself of all the things you have learned for THIS exact MOMENT!

You are not powerless, you are not a victim, You have so many TOOLS, friends, mentors, teachers on your facebook.

The only excuse I can see is fear, Fear of what is on the other side if you really allowed your self the opportunity to use these tools we have so readily available on a consistent basis to keep yourself in this moment.

So what exactly are You waiting for?

Utilizing an app on your phone and computer to have your own avatar, gaining in game experience points, in game items, in game pets, in game gold all the while completing real world tasks, building new and better habits, completing impromtu quests I will be creating for your experience.

In this interactive course to explore your greatest potential you will be gifted many quests, and habits, breath work exercises, meditations, and other fun activities to inspire you and push you to your own limits, while exploring your emotions along the way.

I know you have said in the past you want to find your peace, you want to be happy, you want to feel inspired and motivated. Why not turn it into a gaming experience where you and many others can explore habit shifting practices and hold your self accountable with phone reminders that come from this game.

All designed around the 5 elements, with reminders and a phone app that incentivizes you completing these tasks.

Download the Program FOR FREE !

This does NOT include the gamification of the course and you are responsible for holding your self accountable!

Fill out the form below and receive an email with the download link!

The Gamifying course does not have any additional classes and you would not receive the insight otherwise gained from the additional
[5] Two Hour Classes that come with the other packages. However, you still receive all the tools, and packet information just as the Basic Level. Once the membership is up, you have the option of signing on to for the additional month or year with a different set of practices, daily's, and habits in the Gamification of this course.

All sales are final, This is due because I want you to truly explore what the course has to
offer you in terms of self growth, and realizations of reality creation.

Gamify My Practice Monthly

The Mindful Elements Program
Gamify Only
Monthly Fee
Includes the Following:

[1] Two Hour Class To go Over The Packet and The Gamification of this Course.

[32] Pages of Packet information Based on these Topics mailed to you!

0 Learn to Begin Creating Habits of Self Awareness

0 Learn to Label Emotions

0 Learn Five New Modalities of Self Awareness Based Around The Five Elements Each Month.

0 Learn Your Own Personal Ritual to Become More Disciplined.

0 Take Home Assignments To Solidify Our Beliefs

0 Be added to a Phone App that Gamifies the Experience for 1 Full Month of Daily Quests and Habit Shifting Exercises!

0 Daily Reminders via phone app to Complete your Tasks and Self Help Practices!

0 Weekly Peer Calls to go over the previous week!

Sign up

Gamify My Practice Yearly

The Mindful Elements Program
Gamify Only
Yearly Fee
Includes the Following:

[1] Two Hour Class To go Over The Packet and The Gamification of this Course.

[32] Pages of Packet information Based on these Topics mailed to you!

0 Learn to Begin Creating Habits of Self Awareness

0 Learn to Label Emotions

0 Learn Five New Modalities of Self Awareness Based Around The Five Elements Each Month.

0 Learn Your Own Personal Ritual to Become More Disciplined.

0 Take Home Assignments To Solidify Our Beliefs

0 Be added to a Phone App that Gamifies the Experience for 1 Full Year of Daily Quests and Habit Shifting Exercises!

0 Daily Reminders via phone app to Complete your Tasks and Self Help Practices!

0 Weekly Peer Calls to go over the previous week!

Sign up


Most Popular

The Mindful Elements Program
Level 1
One Time Fee
Includes the Following:

[5] Two Hour Classes

[39] Pages of Packet information Based on these Topics mailed to you!

0 Learn to Begin Creating Habits of Self Awareness

0 Learn to Label Emotions

0 Learn about Sigils, Astral Travel, Lucid Dreaming

0 Learn Your Own Personal Ritual

0 Learn How To Create Your Own Personal Sigil

0 Take Home Assignments To Solidify Our Beliefs

0 Be added to a Phone App that Gamifies the Experience for 1 Full Year!

0 Daily Reminders via phone app to Complete your Tasks and Self Help Practices!

0 Weekly Peer Calls to go over the previous week!

Sign up


Most Value

The Mindful Elements Program
Level 2
One Time Fee
Includes the Following:

[5] Two Hour Classs

[53] Pages of Packet information Based on these Topics mailed to you!

[1] Class Specifically Learning How to Make Ormus

0 Includes Everything In Level 1

0 Includes Materials Required To Make Your Own Ormus

0 You will receive (1) PH Meter, Giant Jar, Dead Sea Salt, and Other Ingredients

0Learn How to Create and Take Home Your Own Dream Bag

0 Learn What A True Alchemist's Practice is Daily

0Receive A Step By Step Guide On What Practices To Do Each Day To Be Labeled As An Alchemist

0 Daily Reminders via phone app to Complete your Tasks and Self Help Practices!

0 Weekly Peer Calls to go over the previous week!

Sign up


Most Disciplined

The Mindful Elements Program
Level 3
One Time Fee
Includes the Following:

[5] Two Hour Classes

[2] One Hour and 30 Minute Classes on Breath Work and Ashtanga Yoga

[1] Two Hour Class Specifically Learning How to Create and Use Your Own Wand

0 Includes Everything In Level 1 And 2

0 Includes Materials To Make Your Own Wand Such As Crystals, Resins and Specially Selected Woods

0 Learn What a Power Object is and How to Create Your Own

0 Learn How To Utilize Sexual Energy Towards Manifesting and Creation

0 Learn How to Make Your Own Tinctures and Choose A Tincture To Take Home

0 Daily Reminders via phone app to Complete your Tasks and Self Help Practices!

0 Weekly Peer Calls to go over the previous week!

Sign up

Upcoming Modules:

  • 1. Full Meal Plan Module - Includes Meal plan for each of the five elements. This is to support you in your progression of discipline and habit building to keep your energy and focus high.
  • 2. Full Meal Plan Delivery Module - Includes Meal plan for each of the five elements and a delivery system to deliver you the foods to create the meal plan. This is to support you in your progression of discipline and habit building to keep your energy and focus high.
  • Elements Meal Plan70%
  • Elements Meal Plan Delivery20%

Gamify Level

Basic Level 1

Intermediate Level 2

Video Upcoming

Advanced Level 3

Video Upcoming

Learn a few reasons why this might be the right fit

In my self exploration I have dived into many paths within the catacombs of data we have created by use of the internet. There is countless of information out there and if not sifted through properly you will come across avenues that leads towards dead ends. There are even countless amounts of disinfo within the internet to completely discredit true advances of the mind and how it has the effect over the reality.

I can guarantee you will have a shift in awareness.

Why am I so sure? Because I have personally seen the results of these practices to assist me within my daily activities. I am more in tune with my emotions and my self then I have ever been. I have healed past traumas and explored my shadow in a safe way.

What does Gamifying mean?

Gamifying is a way to make an activity or habit forming task into a fun quest. One where you are eager to wake up in the morning and complete because you have an Avatar that you can level up, gain items, get pets, in game gold to then trade in for rewards!

*Coming Soon* Videos of the App

*Pixel Art does not accurately depict the art within the game.*

Video Testimonials

Written Testimonials

  • Milina Franke
    “Review” => Elements Program. (Format with citations in appropriate literary form) An Invitation. Sometimes, the best things in life are not free, and start with an invitation. Although Mr. David Rodriguez, extends to me the opportunity to participate in Beta testing, I think back to the hours it has taken to compile such a program. Every program, for that matter. Starting with the tactile push of plastic keys upon a spring, translating information via binary from electrical impulses shooting in this brain, and therefore creating an input output system emitting from glowing screen. A feeling, a thought “I do not work nearly hard enough to deserve this…” Arises, and dusting lint and calls from Landmark echoes, I take a leap and choose to follow through. -Is this for the sake of “Friendship?” Yes, and No. Certainly, a curiosity to see the inner working of another human’s practice chimes in, along with some hubris to think any one WAY is the Right Way. The Program presents a sample of what one's own potential can be, with portal to infinite possibilities. Create carefully with kindness. Integrity is at stake, and for once, I will follow through. After all, this program distills some rather ducked off secret lifelong awareness practices, and merges it together with a throwback 8 bit visual “game” styling’s reminiscent all the hours I spent glued to an NES system playing Zelda, and a dash of instructional manual. Oh, and mad heads I admire contribute. MAD HEADS. Not talking about the opportunity to shift emotion (Final lesson in workbook, BTW!) The Elements program reminds me of stuff wayyyy over my intellectual mind, and crafts a fantasy world which somehow… proves to embody bit by bit into waking life the more… or less one chooses to participate. Sure, there are some bugs to work out… namely my own proclivity to make stuff hard when things are really easy, along with “Passive aggressive” tendencies bounding up from the frustration felt with Fire week… I mean seriously, advanced yogic tongue-in-back-of-throat meditation?!? No amount of hyper-sexualized (sigh, Ima bad bad girl) modern day walking billboard chattering of non-sense could allow me to appropriately pay homage and not feel like a poser… but w/e… Water week is a favorite. Because um… The Moon feels her feelings in her belly And Ummm… everyone could stand to contract rhomboids, strengthen core abdominal wall strength, tuck chin and tailbone, and posture check with a deep breath every now and again. ^<Heal yourself, before presuming one can “Heal” others! > Mostly, the program gave me an opportunity to check myself. And after shaking the hands of 2 people on the bus route to work today… … These airy words just scratch the surface of what is possible with commitment to a game well played with Friends. Thank You, Rev. David Andrew Rodriguez The Water Magister. Thank You, Fellow Beta Testers… Onward Bula
    Milina Franke
    Mindful Elements Program
  • Deanna Libman
    The biggest key to achieving the most out of this Mindful Elements course is keeping your eye on the why-why your doing this, what's coming up for you. Be honest with yourself and with David about what story's coming up for you and what you're experiencing. Whats been a game changer for me is that the Mindful Elemental Program has brought more awareness towards my emotions, what I do and don't do, it's basically a short cut if you have too much energy to sit down and meditate. Going through it is intense, I didn't feel very supported-there was guidance-yes-during week 1 I felt like a weird maniacs hyperventilating. Week 2 had the most powerful impact on my life. Week 3 had the most difficult-yet powerful practices of them all. 4th week was one of the most impactful however without the right amount support-this is where reality as you know it slips away. The conscious "check ins" and the different layers of subconscious programming has sparked a fire within me-a gas fire. Not just a fire. A gaslighted forest fire. By week 4 I forgot I was in the program at all-by the time the week ended I did way more reality check ins the following week than i did when initiated. When it FINALLY came to week five I just wanted to ignore all the teachings, recalibrate and went along with the homework-not so much "shaking it off" but more of celebrating that the program was over. This program is not for the faint of heart-if you are physic. In all fairness-even tho it was extremely challenging (mentally) I do have David to thank-it was the extra UMPH I needed (spiritually) but never in my right mind would I ask for physically. Going into it, I wish I would have thought of it more as a game and not as "with these teachings-I shall take over the world, become god and control the elements at my will" perhaps that's why it was so challenging for me. I thought I could take on an entire practice over night when the practices with the elements are like lifting weights. The more dedicated you are-the stronger it gets, the more it shows.
    Deanna Libman
    Mindful Elements Program