The Mindful Elements Program
Gamify, Level 1, 2 and 3
Gain Greater Clarity and Understanding towards the all of the Modalities I have utilized until this point.
Build Better Habits for Discipline.
Build the Foundation of our God given abilities towards manifesting the reality we wish to create.
Aligning our selves with the Sacred Elements so they may flow through us to better serve The Collective.
A solid understanding of the roles we are here to play and the responsibilities that come with it all.
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Learn About David Andrew Rodriguez
Rev. David Andrew Rodriguez is 35 years old. He is an Ordained Minister with the Universal Life Church. He practices Level 2 Reiki for clients as well as provides coaching one on one sessions. He created I Love You Water and does many Water Ceremonies and Activation’s to bring consciousness and understanding back to water. He came into his awakening after a depression and he began meditating for 5 minutes a day for 3 days and after heard the word “Reiki” which he then looked up online to find what it’s meaning was, and from there he has taken off to learn more about him self. He understood how powerful meditation could be for people going through stressful situations as well as depression. He has written a book based on his life experiences and the things he has come across since his awakening titled "The Water Magister : Self-Discovery".
His main mission now is to hold space and allow those around him to begin remembering who they were before they chose these physical bodies beyond the stories we tell our selves utilizing many modalities such as: Water, Sound Therapy, Sigil Magick, Shadow Work and Integration, Shamanic meditations. He can be contacted for one on one sessions for the following: Distant Healing / Reiki, Astral Travel / Out Of Body Sessions, Spiritual Counseling and Mentoring, Lucid Dream Teacher, Meditations and Yoga.
David Rodriguez is also an IT Consultant with his own Computer Consulting Business. He creates websites, graphics, does network, hardware and software, as well as Search Engine Optimization and Pay Per Click Advertising. Feel free to contact him for any of those services as well.
His Websites and Contact Info:
Website Water Project:
Facebook Poetry / Writings:
Facebook Personal:
Youtube Channel :
Etsy Page:
Phone: 786-325-5362
Read His Intro / Prologue Story to his Book
"The Water Magister's: Self-Discovery"
I began by going to my first big festival alone. I was a bit scared and worried I wasn't going to have any fun so I decided I would try candy flipping. I enter the stadium where I began to feel an energy calling my name so I went to it. That's where I wondered into a tent that held a masked Fox spirit guard. I tried asking him questions but he wouldn't speak; only would nod yes or no. He held 5 cards in his hands and eventually I asked if I could see one. He gave me the card in which once I began reading it it made me trip out more because the words started to change. I tried to read it over and over and Everytime it would say something new until I got to a point I needed to just relax and sit back and think. I did and when I came back I felt like a changed person. I read the card one last time and preformed what was asked of me. Had an amazing time
Sergio Sanchez
My wife wants to know if you gave me some substance because I am in an upbeat and happy mood. I said just yoga and good vibes from David. Thanks for this afternoon. I feel 100% better than when I arrived there. Hopefully I am re-calibrated for a while.
Hari Borden
Ashtanga Yoga Class“Review” => Elements Program. (Format with citations in appropriate literary form) An Invitation. Sometimes, the best things in life are not free, and start with an invitation. Although Mr. David Rodriguez, extends to me the opportunity to participate in Beta testing, I think back to the hours it has taken to compile such a program. Every program, for that matter. Starting with the tactile push of plastic keys upon a spring, translating information via binary from electrical impulses shooting in this brain, and therefore creating an input output system emitting from glowing screen. A feeling, a thought “I do not work nearly hard enough to deserve this…” Arises, and dusting lint and calls from Landmark echoes, I take a leap and choose to follow through. -Is this for the sake of “Friendship?” Yes, and No. Certainly, a curiosity to see the inner working of another human’s practice chimes in, along with some hubris to think any one WAY is the Right Way. The Program presents a sample of what one's own potential can be, with portal to infinite possibilities. Create carefully with kindness. Integrity is at stake, and for once, I will follow through. After all, this program distills some rather ducked off secret lifelong awareness practices, and merges it together with a throwback 8 bit visual “game” styling’s reminiscent all the hours I spent glued to an NES system playing Zelda, and a dash of instructional manual. Oh, and mad heads I admire contribute. MAD HEADS. Not talking about the opportunity to shift emotion (Final lesson in workbook, BTW!) The Elements program reminds me of stuff wayyyy over my intellectual mind, and crafts a fantasy world which somehow… proves to embody bit by bit into waking life the more… or less one chooses to participate. Sure, there are some bugs to work out… namely my own proclivity to make stuff hard when things are really easy, along with “Passive aggressive” tendencies bounding up from the frustration felt with Fire week… I mean seriously, advanced yogic tongue-in-back-of-throat meditation?!? No amount of hyper-sexualized (sigh, Ima bad bad girl) modern day walking billboard chattering of non-sense could allow me to appropriately pay homage and not feel like a poser… but w/e… Water week is a favorite. Because um… The Moon feels her feelings in her belly And Ummm… everyone could stand to contract rhomboids, strengthen core abdominal wall strength, tuck chin and tailbone, and posture check with a deep breath every now and again. ^<Heal yourself, before presuming one can “Heal” others! > Mostly, the program gave me an opportunity to check myself. And after shaking the hands of 2 people on the bus route to work today… … These airy words just scratch the surface of what is possible with commitment to a game well played with Friends. Thank You, Rev. David Andrew Rodriguez The Water Magister. Thank You, Fellow Beta Testers… Onward Bula
Milina Franke
Mindful Elements ProgramThe biggest key to achieving the most out of this Mindful Elements course is keeping your eye on the why-why your doing this, what's coming up for you. Be honest with yourself and with David about what story's coming up for you and what you're experiencing. Whats been a game changer for me is that the Mindful Elemental Program has brought more awareness towards my emotions, what I do and don't do, it's basically a short cut if you have too much energy to sit down and meditate. Going through it is intense, I didn't feel very supported-there was guidance-yes-during week 1 I felt like a weird maniacs hyperventilating. Week 2 had the most powerful impact on my life. Week 3 had the most difficult-yet powerful practices of them all. 4th week was one of the most impactful however without the right amount support-this is where reality as you know it slips away. The conscious "check ins" and the different layers of subconscious programming has sparked a fire within me-a gas fire. Not just a fire. A gaslighted forest fire. By week 4 I forgot I was in the program at all-by the time the week ended I did way more reality check ins the following week than i did when initiated. When it FINALLY came to week five I just wanted to ignore all the teachings, recalibrate and went along with the homework-not so much "shaking it off" but more of celebrating that the program was over. This program is not for the faint of heart-if you are physic. In all fairness-even tho it was extremely challenging (mentally) I do have David to thank-it was the extra UMPH I needed (spiritually) but never in my right mind would I ask for physically. Going into it, I wish I would have thought of it more as a game and not as "with these teachings-I shall take over the world, become god and control the elements at my will" perhaps that's why it was so challenging for me. I thought I could take on an entire practice over night when the practices with the elements are like lifting weights. The more dedicated you are-the stronger it gets, the more it shows.
Deanna Libman
Mindful Elements ProgramI just want to sat THANK YOU for posting your video about healing your illness, its helping me so much as I have been seeking ways to heal myself as well. Your meditations have changed my life. I love you ! happy holidays !!
Denisse Ruiz
Colloidal Silver ClientThank you in abundance @thewatermagister for guiding me through this magical manifestation ritual. This isn’t the first time David has blessed me & shared his magic with me. I Remember the first time I came to David and told him my life just isn’t where I want to to be. My work wasn’t in correlation with who I was , i didn’t feel comfortable sharing my own gifts with the world & I felt like I needed a complete adjustment so I can align who I truly am and express it fully.......Months ago After David guided me through this ritual using all the elements my ENTIRE LIFE CHANGED. He warned me , things were going to start shifting and I must allow them to. I got fired from my Bartending job and from there I knew something was totally changing I remained open to receive the blessings of my intentions I started my brand , I started hosting and sharing my own gifts and doing weekly meditations , I became more comfortable being myself and accepting that I’m not like everyone else I bring a unique energy to earth and I embraced it 🧝🏼♀️🌌 #WarriorGoddess. So when I reflect and trace back where everything started to shift it was right after my ritual with him. I called my brother David the other day and I thanked him so much for being open to sharing his gift with me & truthfully if it wasn’t for him who knows where I would be right now. My whole life changed. There is power in rituals , there is power in intention and using the elements to charge these intentions. Thank you brother , I’m so happy and grateful we met in this life again and i look forward to continuing to grow with you. .
Ritual and Sigil Magick ClassDavid is a polymath, mystic, spiritual guide and insightful facilitator. He has developed a beautiful and unique ritual process for healing that accesses our Selves on the deepest subconscious level. For me, I requested to set an important intention for my future with him. I have struggled with self-doubt and trauma that has made receiving love a great challenge in recent years. While I have been on the path of healing, I knew that I needed to do something drastic to start rewiring my brain and aligning my heart with my exciting future. The spiritual guidance I experienced in our session has reset my vision and reaffirmed my personal powers. The ritual has given me great insight and faith in my Self and my ability to create the life I want to live. The entire ceremony felt easy, comfortable, logical, organic and fluid. David guided me through a beautiful sound healing and meditation that was filled with powerful imagery and integration. The Water Magister is kind and generous with his knowledge and gifts; he genuinley wants to lift his community and be of service to raise the vibration of our planet. I am grateful that our paths crossed over a year ago and that I got to reconnect and share this sacred space together. I now consider him part of my team of guides, teachers and friends on my journey. David harbors the wisdom of a sage and has access to priceless resources and tools and information all while mirroring your own gifts back to you. I recommend his counsel, healing modalities, inspirations and guidance to renew your own personal awareness and stoke new fires for your inspirations, goals, values and greater human potential. The Water Magister is a rare human with insight and energetic healing capacity which he knows from his own personal healing process. He will enlighten you and awaken you and set your heightened perspective in motion. Such a gift. Thank you, I love you
Ritual and Sigil Magick ClassA moment of peace. And clarity into the heart of who and what you are is exactly what you will find when you engage with this water magister. He teaches from his own experiences and having worked through the various hurdles that life has presented him, he is well equipped to dance with you to help illuninate the healing work that needs doing. My first encounter with him was at Zen Awakening 2018 and I truly feel as if i got a lot out of his 3 different lectures and interactive portions. Ever humble. Ever a willing ear. Truly a noble soul that wishes for us all to grow. <3
Christopher Burlingham
After I received the sealed envelope from you, I put it in my pack and caught back up with the crew I was rolling with. One of the guys I was with saw me stop to speak with you and waited for me. I'd had an intimate encounter with him the previous year, so he was not going to take his eyes off me or lose me to the playa that night. He and his wife were in an "open relationship" but I told myself that this year I was not going to hook up with him again because I didn't want to be part of someone else's deal. I also knew that I would be charmed by him and probably let him seduce me. I intentionally didn't take ecstasy with everyone that night to help me stay clear-headed about it. Hours went by, he and I ditched the rest of the posse and went over to Pink Heart to warm up and figure out our next move. When we got there and nestled in he told me that he and his wife were still doing the open relationship thing. "More fun for you at Burning Man" I said. Then remembered the sealed envelope. "Hey! I haven't opened this yet!" I grabbed it from the pack, broke the seal, pulled out the card. In the next moment I handed it to him and asked him to read it to me. "Love yourself more than being someones second best". The look on his face was priceless: visibly bummed. In that moment I became jubilant! It couldn't have been more perfect, right down to me somehow having *him* read the card. Minutes later I was on my bike, riding solo back to my camp with deep relief and happiness in my heart to have received strength and validation when I needed it most. Many thanks for the best gift I received on the playa this year.
Jane Sheaffer
I received this Wisdom Card at Burning man at a time where I was just broken up from my boyfriend. It spoke to me so clearly and assisted me through a rough moment.
Jessica Smith
"Yesterday in float the sigil assembled itself for me in 3D form it's a ball of energy around a pyramid the rod in the middle is a human being who is a conduit like me.. The blue light up the rod is the energy moving through the human being...I was told to draw it and use it in our Ayahausca ceremony coming up... It put the words above the 3 points on the rod as I visually sounded the words gold light emulated from all three points and rotated and combined the 3 strands which turned into dna looking visuals i know we only have 2 strands but, I believe the 3Rd one must be our spiritual strand (not sure) after it showed me the DNA strand it transformed into a beautiful golden staircase that led straight up to a beautiful spinning gold light! I am very familiar with this visualization.. So many things happened yesterday I think I'm going to go to hadoschool in Tokyo, Japan at the end of May and receive the training that dr Masaru Emoto had taught what an journey all from a lucid dream lol love life"
David is an hands down, amazing light and energy worker and it was a blessing have had the opportunity to apprenticeship under him. My experience with David was truly life changing. I compare David to the Oracle from the Matrix. His knowledge base and tools that he has in his spiritual tool bag are so intuitive, right on spot and just our right impressive. Although time has passed since our last trainings, I am still unfolding the true gifts he has left me with. If I could give you my best piece of advise prior to working with David it would be to take plenty of notes, when your with him and even when you mentally digesting his gifts.
Alexis Hernandez
Wizard Apprentice Lvl 1David the ormus you made is fantastic, two days in and I slept great. So fantasic because i woke up so ready and positive. Usually I sleep deep, let me tellll youuuuu I haven't felt energized when waking up in ages, even when well rested. I love you! Also I started saying I love you naturally, ugh yes! thanks!
Kayla Rodriguez
ORMUS ClientThis workshop was AMAZING! I left feeling so enlightened and at peace. David and Gabriella were both wonderful teachers, and I appreciate them for sharing their knowledge with us today. Namaste
Kellie Tigertail
Art of Intention WorkshopJust wanted to say, Thank you so much David, and Gabriella for hosting this workshop! Words are too limited to explain how much benefit I received from it. Thank you for sharing your knowledge! I have grown exponentially in the 3 hours we got to share together with all those who attended. The guided meditation at the end was especially powerful, and I got to see somethings that two human eyes could never see. What a fantastic experience. I definitely recommend these workshops for anyone who wants to enjoy spiritual awakenings, and to all those who wish to learn how to achieve love, peace, and unity,- and for all those who wish to learn how to manifest their destiny. Eternal Light and Love
Tyler Marquez
Art of Intention WorkshopToday I woke up with a big smile on my face. Last night it was a very intense and healing experience. I revisited places in my mind that I didn't want to remember , confronted some old demons, forgave myself and others without judgment or pointing fingers; closed some chapters and open my heart for new great experiences to come. Yes it can be painful to explore and revisit those traumatic hurtful events in life but it is absolutely necessary in order to heal,let go, and move on; otherwise we are just burying those emotions and it's like an angry time bomb ready to explode anytime. I am so thankful to David Andrew Rodriguez for the workshop ,Loni Duek for hosting , and the rest of the group for holding space and being fully present.
Susana MoodFighter
Art of The Human Connection ParticipantWhat an amazing gathering with so many beautiful connections. I learned so much about being open to giving and receiving love. It always felt so much easier for me to give than receive. Tonight I just allowed and trusted my heart. I was astonished how open an comfortable I was. The unity in the room was amazing. 5's to David's awesome direction in guiding us from one exercise to another (smooth as silk). You feel the love illuminating from his sweet soul. I definitely recommend stepping out of your comfort zone and trusting yourself and David. Sending waves of love and blessings. WE ARE LIVING HEAVEN ON EARTH! EVERY TIME I turn around I see more blessings! And so it is
Gail Anne Charles
The Art of A Human Connection ParticipantThank you Loni Duek and David Andrew Rodriguez . I certainly plan on returning and would definitely recommend The Art of a Human Connection to anyone. It has without a doubt broken downs barriers I had within myself. As times goes by, the clearer I get and I see more and more how this life is truly orchestrated but not set in stone... so if being uncomfortable for an evening has your ego starting with its subtle commands it helps me to think that I wouldnt let an ungrateful, scared five year old ( my ego ) make ANY decisions let alone having to do with my happiness. So thanks again guys , I meant it when I said it was like a years worth of therapy.
Paul Olof
The Art of A Human Connection ParticipantIt was a wonderful workshop. Thank you David for facilitating it. In my personal experience, I was amazed to become aware of how easy and comfortable it was to me to give love and affection, but how difficult and somehow painful to receive it.
Edgar DeVelasco
The Art of A Human Connection ParticipantWhat a blessing to attend the workshop facilitated by David. He is a very old soul with incredible insights into the connection between dimensional realities. I felt such a deep remembrance of who I am. He is very patient, humble, and gentle in his presentation. I feel so honored to have met such a wise being. I highly recommend his workshops and sessions. Thank you so much David.
Vilasini Devi Dasi
I Love You Water Ceremony ClassHi. David, It's the day after and I'm still feeling the effects of the workshop from last night. The openness and peace are still resonating in my interactions today. I'm definitely more aware of my level of attentiveness and I feel more connected and sensitive to the people with whom I'm conversing. For some odd reason I feel more....emotional; in the sense that I feel more like crying. I'm still not comfortable doing so in front of another person but I recognize the need to release. I'm more aware of the barriers that I have built and because of that awareness I'm moving towards readiness to release. Not sure I'm there, yet..... Overall, the experience was good. Really, really good; and needed. Thank you.
The Art of A Human Connection ParticipantYummy. Mentally and Galactically Stimulating. I Loved it!
I Love You Water Ceremony ClassAfter the Ceremony I felt very relaxes and focused, being able to connect to my self in a profound way. This class let me explore my inner self through sound and tranquility. Thank You!
Jasmine Chavez
I Love You Water Ceremony ClassMy experience was blissful. I saw a golden light bursting and glowing larger and larger at my third eye when you gave me the attunement. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to discover more of themselves. It was Magnificent.
Maria Elena Santa Maria
I Love You Water Ceremony ClassDavid is a great healer and has several masteries in this life. When he has done reiki on me I felt free almost levitating from my body, he removes energetic blockages from the body and made me feel much more centered and focused.
When he used his wand you literally feel the vibrations emitting high frequencies. He is also a wonderful yoga teacher & meditation facilitator, his presence is easy to be around and is open to discussing anything you need help with or just want to have a conversation.
He can talk about anything and has interesting ideas and is very creative. Thank you David for your Presence & InspirationDaniel Silva
Wand Reiki Client / Yoga ClientSo truly GRATEFUL, had one of the most amazing days yesterday with a wonderful friend, David Andrew Rodriguez. I was blessed to be able to see the process of I Love You Water and be a part of this wonderful project.
Be in beautiful spaces, meet beautiful people, release stories I was holding and that were not serving. Learned so much. Feel so at peace and becoming more self aware.Jessica Glick
Wand Reiki ClientI met David at Three Days of Light Gathering in 2016. Through David's teachings, I began to discover my personal power. David has personally helped me on more than one occasion with seeing and shifting the stories I was telling my Self, thus helping me move more into my Power.
David also expanded my Heart and mind to the concept and understanding of shifting the molecular structure of water to benefit my Being through meditations, focused intention, and spoken words.
I also experienced my first conscious Astral projection under David's guidance and it was fantastically magical. David holds Loving, authentic space wonderfully while facilitating workshops, one on one practices, and as a friend.Kelly Lonchar
Seeing what you do and even in the short time I've known you, witnessing you expand on that over and over, has been a clear inspiration. You're one of the first people in the spiritual community that has truly helped me to witness how capable of growth and manifestations we all are. I hate social networking a lot, but observing the different insights, meditations, and art pieces you provide, is part of the reason I'm addicted.
Joshua Maline
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Yea we played together,