When you begin to understand everything is energy and begin learning the chakras.
The sacral chakra is the source of sexual energy and creativity.
For those who have high sex drives it is an indication that you are a extremely creative person if that energy is focused on a goal.
If you cut out masturbation and become celibate like I did for 7 months. You then learn how to channel this energy into creation of ideas that come to you. Sometimes we look at people and ask wow, how did they come up with that, or create that.
They simply focused their sexual energy on a creative output.
It does not have to be solely on sex and passion. But if you have a high sex drive, the best way to alleviate this is to direct it into new arts and crafts or goals you want to manifest.
If you do not direct the energy towards something creative, you will become lustful for physical connection. Because that is your driving force now. Learn to focus and be deliberate.
I my self have always had a strong sex drive and I was very promiscuous when I was younger. This was until I realized how valuable the sexual energy truly is, and to be mindful with whom I share this with. As I began my practice of self discovery, I learned how to retain the seed of creation. To then utilize it for what I want in my life to become a reality.
For men, I strongly recommend you do a vow of celibacy for a minimum of 1 month. This means no sex, no masturbation, no porn. Watch how quickly you become motivated in life to do the passions and dreams you wanted. But you have been slacking and telling your self you’ll do it tomorrow.
But be warned on this…The moment you make the choice, a test will appear to see if that is the choice you really want. It is simply your self checking in to see how dedicated to your will power you are. I had it happen with me. You can then see how the structure of existence works when you make a choice. To see things come up once you made a choice to detour you from that choice to see if you truly want it.
Be strong and commit to something. Direct that energy to something you have been wanting to explore.
Masturbation is not a bad thing though, But once you learn you can utilize this energy for manifesting…The game changes.
You are the game changer, you are the molder of your reality. Now team this up with a Divine Female who knows this same concept….You can then team up your sexual energies towards a goal together.
Instead of masturbating or having carnal primal sex. You can then set intention into the release or injaculation. When you do this, all the energy of your self and your partner goes towards the intended purpose.
Of course you can do this on your own and learn to channel your own energy first before you share this with a partner. But once your partner learns the technique to manifesting.
You can both choose things you wish to experience in this physical world. You then channel the Divine Masculine, and Divine Feminine Energy towards that and watch how fast it appears in your reality.
Now on that note, my sexual energy has to go create some shit otherwise I am going to go crazy. It’s another reason I feel I must write so much. My creative energy has to flow out somewhere.
Time to make some more Sirian Head Bands. I have some orders to fulfill on 🙂
-The Water Magister